Advanced trade

Desktop app


The Project

The existing trading platform is intended for advanced private traders and investors, managing their own savings and investments. Their level of knowledge and engagement are tremendous.
It is a desktop app for Windows and Mac users.
The growing need of mid level traders to get more information and capabilities (yet less complicated features than of advanced trader), customers feedback and outdated technology led to the redesign and update the application (POC).

My role


UX design

Visual design

Main objectives following research and feedback

Reduce complexity
Simplify menus and information architecture
Provide new features and tools
More streamlined UI

Main Tools

Several most useful tools has been chosen as part of the POC. Tools have different levels of complexity and flexibility, allowing users to do quick tasks as well as complicated flows.

Quote (trading info) | Trading ticket | Chart

Combining together all the immediate information required for a trade in a single tool.
Three components that allow maximum flexibility: the basic tool contains quote and trade, with an option to show the chart. The chart available on it own as well.

Alert panel and setup

The ability to easily create and managed alerts is very important for all trader. It allows you to track price changes and saves time.
Simple alert panel, with an option to add new alerts and ability to view previous alerts. Each alert can be modified or deleted.
Alert setup can have different levels of complexity, you start with the simple quick alert setup, with the possibility to add more advanced conditions.

Watch list and news

Another main tool that been used a lot is the watchlist. We allow two switch between two views, color grid and chart views. Addition stock information available on hover.
News tool allows to follow the general news and more specific news relevant to the portfolio and watch list.